Social Media Monitoring Project Part 2

Brief Review KFC China is the most popular western fast food chain in China. The company create special dishes to satisfy local Chinese people‘s tastes. KFC China launches a lot of campaigns to introduce their new products, expand the brand exposure, and make more profits. KFC China has a good performance in develop various campaigns. Most their campaigns like the " Re- launch of Five sides of tender cattle" attract more consumers and increase its revenue. Goals The goals for KFC China are become 1) The most powerful 2) Most profitable 3) Fastest growing franchise in the Chinese fast food industry. 4) Standardize the food quantity: same food, same price and same quantity. 5) Improve employees' training, hire more full time employees. SWOT Analysis For KFC China social media monitoring: STRENGTHS : characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others. KFC offers food quicker and more convenient service than most trad...